Tag Archives: Tornado Outbreak

The Summer Vacation Report or: Why I Haven’t Posted in 4 Months

6 Sep

Salutations Readers,

First off, I’ll apologize for my extended absence. But, summertime is quite busy for me and my family. Lots of weekends outdoors can put a dent in the amount of time to play games or write about them. Also, my brother got me involved in a softball league that nabbed a normally free night from my schedule.  All these little things add up and cause things like this blog to get set on the back burner.  Sadly this blog is no stranger to a setback like this.

Now, I’m back to resume blogging and roll out more great content to my readers and friends. I’m unsure of the rate that new articles will be released, but I would rather post something than nothing at all.

The reason I decided to kick-start this now is the Extra Life 24 Hour Marathon.  I’m signed up and ready for October 15th!  I hope to raise some money for Children’s Miracle Network and specifically St. Louis Children’s Hospital.  Look for more information including how to get involved or donate in the next few weeks!  If you can’t wait that long, visit http://www.Extra-Life.org/participant/commandercody83 to make a donation.

Now that I’ve got all the big stuff out of the way, I want to talk about games for just a bit.  I’ve been playing a ton of games as usual.  I’ve managed to finish Call of Duty: Black Ops, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Tornado Outbreak, Rez HD, Transformers: War for Cybertron, Red Dead Redemption, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Duke Nukem Forever, Nail’d and now Crysis 2.  I’m also caught up on Fallout: New Vegas including all the DLC that has been released and the Hardcore achievement.

So obviously I’ve had the time to game, but writing a review or article might take up to three hours.  But now things are slowing down and the weather is cooling down.  So I’ll hopefully have more time to write and produce some fun stuff.

Thanks everyone around me for your continued love and support.
